Hugo City Council Regular Meeting


December 17, 2024 @ 6:00p.m.

203 South Second, Hugo, Oklahoma 74743

“The Council may adopt, approve, ratify, deny, defer, recommend, amend, strike, or continue any agenda item. This rule will apply to every individual agenda item without providing the same language with respect to each individual agenda item.”

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance Roll Call           
  3. Flag Salute
  4. Invocation
  5. Consent Items
    • Discussion with possible approval and/or amendments of minutes dated December 03, 2024.
    • Discussion with possible action regarding acceptance of purchase order list.
    • Discussion with possible action regarding acceptance of City’s bi-monthly financial statements.
  6. Discussion with possible action regarding an update on property located at 119 E Jackson. Mayor McCarty
  7. Discussion with possible action regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and resolution # 915 regarding obligation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and sewer project.              Mayor McCarty
  8. Executive Session:
    • Discussion regarding confidential communications between a public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation, claim, or action if the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determines that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation or proceeding in the public interest.  Per Title 25 Oklahoma Statutes Section 307 B. 4 (Chuey Potter Arbitration)              Mayor McCarty
  9. Reconvene into regular session.       Mayor McCarty
  10. Discussion with possible action regarding item discussed in Executive Session.            Mayor McCarty
  11. Discussion with possible action regarding the NEW BUSINESS – Any Matter Not Known About or Which Could Not Have Been Reasonably Foreseen Prior to the Time of Posting.
  12. Reports and Inquiries Not Requiring Immediate City Council Action.
  13. Citizen Comments
  14. Councilmember Comments
  15. Mayor McCarty Comments
  16.  City Manager
  17.  Adjournment
Date Posted:  December 13, 2024 | Time Posted: 05:00 PM | Posted By:  Debra Searcy, City Clerk

Hugo Municipal Authority Regular Meeting


December 17, 2024 @ 6:00p.m.

directly following the December 17, 2024, Hugo City Council Meeting which begins 6:00p.m.

203 South Second, Hugo, Oklahoma 74743

“The Council may adopt, approve, ratify, deny, defer, recommend, amend, strike, or continue any agenda item. This rule will apply to every individual agenda item without providing the same language with respect to each individual agenda item.”

  1. Call to Order – Mayor McCarty
  2. Roll Call
  3. Discussion with possible approval or amendments of minutes dated December 03, 2024.  Mayor McCarty
  4.  Discussion with possible action regarding update on Sherwood Sewer Project.  Randy Debo, Wall Engineering.
  5. Discussion with possible action regarding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and resolution # 915 regarding obligation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Mayor McCarty
  6. Discussion with possible action regarding the sale of water to the City of Altus.          Mayor McCarty
  7. Public discussion regarding the sale of water to the City of Altus.                      Mayor McCarty
  8. Executive Session:
    • Discussion regarding confidential communications between a public body and its attorneys concerning a pending investigation, claim, or action if the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determines that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation or proceeding in the public interest.  Per Title 25 Oklahoma Statutes Section 307 B. 4         (sale of water)                        Mayor McCarty
  9. Reconvene into regular session.                   Mayor McCarty
  10. Discussion with possible action regarding item discussed in the Executive Session.                 Mayor McCarty
  11. NEW BUSINESS – Any Matter Not Known About or Which Could Not Have Been Reasonably Foreseen Prior to the Time of Posting.
  12. Reports and Inquiries Not Requiring Immediate Municipal Authority Action.
  13. Councilmember Comments
  14. City Manager
  15. Adjournment
Posted:  December 13, 2024 | Time Posted: 05:00 PM | Posted By:  Debra Searcy, City Clerk